World Wide Knit in Public Day: June 11th, 2022
This Saturday, June 11th is World Wide Knit in Public Day! It's a celebration of knitting, an opportunity to commune with other knitters, and a day to get out there and show the rest of the world how much you love what you do!
We are bringing back our Knit In Public Bingo! Have fun, knit in public, and enter to win prizes!
- Pick up a bingo card from us in the shop starting on Friday, June 10th, or download and print your own - there are two versions - pick Card 1 or Card 2!
- Mark off your bingo squares on Saturday while you get out, have fun, and show off the love of your craft!
- Return your card to us with one or more BINGOs by Sunday, June 19th, and we'll enter you in our Knit in Public prize drawing! You can bring your bingo card in person, email us at with a photo of it, or mail it to us!
- We'll also have a special drawing just for blackout cards (for you overachievers!).
- AND another drawing for folks tagging us on social media (Instagram @seattleyarn or Facebook @SeattleYarnShop) on Saturday, June 11th.
We invite you to come in to the shop, take a friend to one of the many fabulous cafes, pubs, or parks in the neighborhood, and get your knit on!